(In The Name of Allah The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful)
Ya Allah. Penatnye lately nh. g keje awal, tapi sampai rumah lambat. apekahhh -.-"
Kekadang dah sampai malam, penat plus lapa, plus mgantok, plus keje sekolah tak siap lagi. bermacam-macam plus dah ade nh haa. haishhh. merungut je koje. hailaaa. nh sesi meluahkan rase hati. hehh
Penat tuh kadang-kadang sampai konpius harus makan dulu or tido dulu. kekadang nak buat two in one. ha ha. kekadang tuh lapa, tapi terlampau penat sgt sampai tak dapat nak makan sangat. bile dah sakit nanti, mule bising sane sini. hehh. still adapting
Apekah name life ini. he he. life is a matter of learning anyway. to get the best out of the deal is to get the best partner. I need a lifesaver. boleh ke? nanti sambung belajar ade orang take care. senang nak pantau semua - makan, minum, study, life balance, etc. tihehe. sape yang nak jage sape senanye nanti nh. camnh kne request family man lahhh. takde lah dua-dua bz nanti. yeahh.
Keje sekolah tak siap lagi. tapi mate dah terkebil-kebil. esok nak kene submit. everyday need to meet death line. sebek ade manager yang baik, DD yang understanding and of coz office mate yang helpful. tenkiu sesangat ^^
Fix the relationship between yourself & Allah. Allah swt will then Fix the relationship between yourself and others. *true!
ok, marilahh stat buat keje *motivate myself.
# Yes i chose this path. yet still in the journey to
... find eternal happiness. Balance life. Here and Hereafter, Insyaallah :")
If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.
Living well or living hell. You choose!
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