Sunday, 9 October 2011

sembilan.sepuluh.sebelas :) its my day, yeyyyy! Alhamdulillah.

(Dengan nama Allah, yang Maha Pemurah, lagi Maha Penyayang)

Assalamualaikum. Selamat pagiiii dunia!

Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. I am now fourteen twenty-four years old :) what a world! ahaaa. and Im getting older I guess. Number its not a matter. but, how long and last we will "stay" in this world? only Allah knows. The most important part is we try to improve ourselves to be a good Muslim and apply Syariah Compliance Insyallah.

Praise to Allah S.W.T for the chances that Allah gave to us, to me.. to have lived in this borrowed world, to be able to breathe, to see, to feel.. to learn. I've to say that I've had my fair share of mistakes which I horribly regretted doing but I guess they are all a part and parcel of life. To make mistakes, albeit over and over again, and to learn from them, making us a better person - making me a better person, InsyaAllah. Pray for me yaaa. Thanks :")

I thank Allah, for I am blessed with a great family, blessed with wonderful and good people around me, blessed with the feelings of love - and not hatred. I am thankful, for having the capabilities, to continuously learn, to gather knowledge, to be in this world. and to have a chance to make a move - to be better person and muslim. Alhamdulillah. :) Allah masih sayangkan hambaNya ini

"Andai bisa ku mengulang, Waktu hilang dan terbuang, Andai bisa perbaiki segala yang terjadi. Tapi waktu tak berhenti. Tapi detik tak kembali,
Harap ampunkan hamba-Mu ini"

- Opick. and I love this song.

Eveyone have goals in their life. Me too. For this twenty-four years - there's lots of thing that I want to achieve in my life. Insyaallah. Yessss. A lot dear! Part of it that I want to achieve are:

1. to be a good Muslimah - improve myself. and improve it again and again. # I know im very "small" in this world. Im really afraid if I didnt do any preparation - in case Allah "invite" me one day :") dengan amalan yang sedikit, cukupkah untuk menampung segalanya. hmmm. Ya Allah, please give me strength.

2. improve my knowledge and skills - thers's a lot of thing that I've learned during the program. (ohh, btw im just back from Langkawi yesterday, attending BNM's executive program about 5 days). and of cause need to gain and improve knowledge in Islam, especially. #masih cetek lagi ilmu ini :")

"Menuntut ilmu adalah wajib ke atas setiap muslim"
(Diriwayatkan oleh Ibnu Majah)

3. nak g rumah Allah - Mekah for umrah (short term) and Hajj (long term) plan. Insyaallah, if ada rezeki :) one day!

4. Continue masteringgggg - yeaaahhh. Insyaallah. but nak stabilkan kerjaya dulu. I mean need to improve working life, have a blance on it. and of cause gain some experience before continue mastering!

Last, but not least :) # tadaaaaaa

5. Of cause have a better life - in term of having good family and good one #its called marriage life. ahaaaa. not this year. depends on qada and qadar. and of cause usaha, ikhtiar, tawakal. but for now, focus on improving myself.

The Qur'aan speaks of men and women coming from each other, being garments for each other and being bounded together by love and mercy
(The Rights and Duties of Women in Islam, Shaikh Abdul Ghaffar Hassan)

and saya nak jadi Ainul Mardhihah di hati Adam. Insyaallah :")

Well, thanks a lot for the wishes - via mobile phone, fb-ing, face to face, tru public phone (acahhh ajer. hehh), etc. and thanks a lot to everyone for being part of my life along this journey. #sedihhh lah pulakk. heh. Doakan saya istiqamah di jalanNya, jadi anak yang solehah (Isteri yang solahah #ehemm. in future. wink winkk), panjang umur, murah rezeki serta dipermudahkan segalanya dunia akhirat. dan semoga kita semua sentiasa di dalam rahmat dan lindunganNya. Ameen. Ameen. Ameen.

ok. its now 9.10 am - lets go for Duha prayer. btw, i love today date a.k.a my day!
special day :)
9/10/11 (sembilan.sepuluh.sebelas)

beday women girl,
@ bedroom. United Kingdom. hehh.

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