(In The Name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful)
Assalamualaikum semua :)
Jum'ah Mubarakah.
Lots of people asked, what is you resolution/target in 2013? Me? Tahlahhh. Banyak nak buat, tapi banyak yang tertangguh kalau dok plan sana sini. so takyah susah-susah, go as a flow je lah. hehh. Nothing to update. and big "no-no" lahh nak celerbrate new year bagai. But end of last year, 29-30/12/2012 I'd joint program. Its like CSR, but not really sgt lahh. The experience sgt berharga. In the sense of value. yaaa. Mostl probably kita ini sentiasa tak cukup dengan apa yang kita ada. ape? takdeee. naaaa. jgn tipu hokey! Supposedly lah kan kita ni kena selalu tengok orang kat bawah, agar kita selalu bersyukur. ngertiii? T__T
Will bercerita and update picssss soon!